Technostress, Work Performance, Job Satisfaction, and Career Commitment of Teachers amid COVID-19 Crisis in the Philippines
Educational technology, psychological effect, Distance education, teachers, pandemic, PhilippinesAbstract
The perception of technostress in education constantly increasing to unprecedented levels is not new. However, in novel situations like the global COVID-19 crisis, technostress and its influence on important teaching facets deserve a revisit. This paper focuses on the association of technostress on the sample characteristics and organizational performance variables of the teachers in the context of emergency distance education brought by the COVID-19 crisis. Following a mainly correlational research design, 2,272 teachers from Mindanao, Philippines were taken as a sample. The data collected through adapted instruments were treated using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that the teachers experience moderate level of technostress, very high levels of work performance and job satisfaction, and high level of career commitment. It was further revealed that technostress and its four sets significantly differed across age, gender, marital status, and teaching experience. Lastly, it was found out that technostress has a significant negative relationship with work performance. The practical implications of these outcomes on the professional development of the teachers in the context of emergency distance education are discussed at the end of the study.
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