FENIX 4.0 Project: Feasibility Analysis and End-User Testing of Apps for Fire and Natural Disaster Prevention and Management for the Conservation of Movable and Immovable Cultural Heritage
The aim of the FENIX 4.0 project is the valorisation and transfer of the tools developed and improved within the project through feasibility analysis and end-user testing.
The following tools are intended for transfer:
ART-RISK 1 Terra: A computerised tool for measuring the vulnerability index and risk analysis in defensive architecture.
ART-RISK 3 Iglesias: An AI-based computerised tool for the preventive conservation of built Cultural Heritage in urban churches.
ART-RISK 4 Safeguard and Mission Track: A model for developing safeguarding plans and applications based on Good Management Practices (GMP) for emergency response.
ART-RISK 5 Atlas: A tool for monitoring the impact of climate change through satellite image analysis.
These tools, along with the methodology they employ, can be used by regional and local governments, as well as by managers and owners of Cultural Heritage (CH), to make decisions based on preventive conservation strategies and GMP for emergency response.
Currently, the proper functioning of the ART-RISK models has been tested through their application in both national and international contexts, as well as by studying the correct operation of the model based on the analysis of 500 theoretical cases. Additionally, the fact that ART-RISK models 1, 2, and 3, as well as the ART-RISK 3 Iglesias software, received the 2021 Europa Nostra Award guarantees the quality of the research to be transferred to cultural managers.
Members of the FENIX 4.0 Project:
Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
Universidad de Sevilla.
Universidad de Valencia.
Institut Valencià de Conservació, Restauració i Investigació.
Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico.
Research Team Members:
Pilar Ortiz Calderón: Principal Investigator (PI) of the team. Doctor of Chemistry. Professor at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
Rocío Ortiz Calderón: Doctor of Architecture. Professor at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
Javier Becerra Luna: Doctor in Restoration-Conservation. Professor at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
Dolores Segura Pachón: Doctor of Biology. Professor at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
Macarena Tejada Tejada: Doctor of Geography and History. Professor at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
María Auxiliadora Gómez Morón: Doctor of Chemistry. Professor at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
Daniel Cagigas Muñiz: Doctor in Computer Science. Professor at the University of Seville.
Isabel González Díez: Doctor of Geology. Professor at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
María Luisa Vázquez Agredos Pascual: Doctor of Geography and History. Professor at the University of Valencia.
Gemma Contreras Zamorano: Doctor of Art History. Director of the Institut Valencià de Conservació, Restauració i Investigación of the Generalitat Valenciana.
Inmaculada Chuliá Blanco: Doctor of Restoration-Conservation. Technician at the Institut Valencià de Conservació, Restauració i Investigación of the Generalitat Valenciana.
María de los Ángeles Garrido Vizuete: Doctor of Mathematics. Professor at the University of Seville.
Work Team Members:
Mónica Moreno Falcón: Doctor of History. Professor at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
Pablo de la Cruz Pérez: Historian. Master’s in Modern History. Research support technician at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
Laura Toro Murillo: Biologist. Research support technician at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
Andrea Gil Torrano: Chemist. Research support technician at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
Rafael Barea: Computer Scientist. Research support technician at the University of Pablo de Olavide.
Jaime Eduardo del Palacio Pérez: Engineer. Operations Director at Mission Track.
Pablo Muñoz del Olmo: Head of the Cuenca Fire Brigade. President of the Fuego Foundation.
Julio Maqueda Macías: Head of the Civil Protection Service of the Hon. Ayuntamiento of Antequera.
Ignacio Catalán Martí: Doctor of Restoration-Conservation. Technician at the Institut Valencià de Conservació, Restauració i Investigación of the Generalitat Valenciana.