MURALLAS Project: Diagnosis and Cataloguing of Andalusian Architectural Heritage through Risk and Vulnerability Analysis (UPO.20-01)
The MURALLAS project: “Diagnosis and Cataloguing of Andalusian Architectural Heritage through Risk and Vulnerability Analysis” (UPO 20.01), aims to diagnose the conservation status of the defensive architectural heritage of several historic cities in Andalusia and assess its vulnerability to phenomena such as fires, earthquakes, and floods. Methodologically, the project builds on the Risk and Vulnerability Analysis model developed in the RIVUP and ART-RISK research projects and implemented in the FENIX project. The methodology relies on the use of Best Practices for Heritage Management protocols, data collection matrices, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to safeguard architectural and vernacular architecture heritage.
The direct impact of this project significantly contributes to the conservation and management of historic centres with a large volume of heritage assets. The collected information will allow regional/local governments, managers, and property owners to make decisions regarding historic centres based on preventive conservation strategies and good management practices for emergency response. Indirectly, it also affects the social and economic development of municipalities by promoting the safe use and enjoyment of heritage spaces as socio-cultural and tourist resources.
For the development of this project, a sample of thirty urban centres with medieval fortifications has been selected from the historic centres in Andalusia that retain these fortifications. The centres included in the study are: Sevilla, Utrera, Écija, El Coronil, Marchena, Aznalcázar, Morón de la Frontera, Niebla, Gibraleón, Zufre, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Tarifa, Algeciras, Córdoba, Priego de Córdoba, Santaella, Málaga, Marbella, Antequera, Porcuna, Andújar, Sabiote, Martos, Almuñécar, Granada, Guadix, Almería, and Jaén.
MURALLAS project members:
Research team members:
Pilar Ortiz Calderón: Principal Investigator of the team. Doctor in Chemistry. Professor at the University Pablo de Olavide.
Rocío Ortiz Calderón: Doctor in Architecture. Professor at the University Pablo de Olavide.
Javier Becerra Luna: Doctor in Restoration-Conservation. Professor at the University Pablo de Olavide.
Dolores Segura Pachón: Doctor in Biology. Professor at the University Pablo de Olavide.
Working team members:
Mónica Moreno Falcón: Doctor in History. Professor at the University Pablo de Olavide.
Pablo de la Cruz Pérez: Historian. Master's in Modern History. Research support technician at the University Pablo de Olavide.
You can learn more about the MURALLAS project by following this link: