
The following results are part of the ART-RISK Cooperation project, which is part of the National Research Plan for Heritage Conservation (PNIC), Conservation and Environment Programme: PNIC2016-03, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the European Regional Development Fund (BIA2021-64878-R), the Department of Development and Housing, General Secretariat of Housing of the Regional Government of Andalusia (NºEXP.UPO-03), and the Pablo de Olavide and Seville universities:



As a result of the project's work, the ART-RISK 3 Iglesias Cooperation tool was developed, which can be consulted in both Spanish and English at the following link: 


You can also watch videos about the platform and its capabilities:

Conference: ART-RISK 3.0: Program Demo


Conference: ART-RISK 3.0 Model in GIS



Download the ART-RISK 3.0 Cooperation User Manual here.


You can access the other ART-RISK tools at the following link:

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