ART-RISK 4 Salvaguarda y Mission Track: A model for developing safeguarding plans and an application based on Good Management Practices (GMP) for emergency response.

The tool has been developed and tested through various projects and emergency emergency drills carried out in cultural heritage institutions in Valencia and Antequera.


ART-RISK 4 Mission Track tool was created in collaboration with Mission Track S.L.

If you need information or advice about the tool, you can contact:




Tool has being tested in Emergency Drill at the Museum of Fine Arts in Valencia:

Simulation of the integration of the cultural heritage rescue unit within the territorial emergency response plan of the Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) at the Museum of Fine Arts in Valencia. July 5th, 2022.

This exercise is part of the I+D+i Retos de Investigación project “Artificial Intelligence and new technologies applied to the prevention and management of fires and natural disasters in movable and immovable Cultural Heritage. FENIX PID2019-107257RB-I00”.

This video is part of the I+D+i project PID2019-107257RB-I00, funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.



Tool has being tested in Emergency Drill at the Museum of the City of Antequera and the Municipal Historical Archive:

Multiple emergency drill exercise conducted at the Museum of the City of Antequera and the Municipal Historical Archive. November 15th, 2022.

This exercise is part of the PYC20-RE-034 project funded by the Regional Government of Andalusia and FEDER funds: “New technologies applied to the prevention and management of emergencies in cultural heritage and emergency response during pandemic conditions. RESILIENT TOURISM”.



Tool has being tested in Emergency Drill at the Royal Monastery of San Zoilo in Antequera (Church of San Francisco and Municipal Public Library):

This exercise was carried out as part of the FENIX 4.0 project: “Feasibility analysis and end-user testing of apps for fire prevention and disaster management in the conservation of movable and immovable Cultural Heritage (PDC2022-133157-I00),” funded by Ministry of Science and Innovation and State Research Agency with Next Generation EU funds through the Spanish Government’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Next Generation EU/PRTR).


También puede consultar la Guía de Buenas Prácticas para la gestión documental de Bienes Culturales Muebles en emergencias. Publicación fruto de la colaboración entre el Institut Valencià de Conservació, Restauració i Investigació de la Generalitat Valenciana y la Universidad Pablo de Olavide en el marco del proyecto FENIX. Esta publicación/resultado es parte del proyecto de I+D+i Retos Investigación PID2019-107257RB-I00, financiado por MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.

Imagen Guía de Buenas Prácticas

Download here the Good Practices Guide for the documentary management of Movable Cultural Assets in emergencies.



You can access the rest of the ART-RISK tools at the following link:

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