Restoration Diagnosis Service (Sanit-ARTE)/Material Characterization Ambulance-Laboratory (Ambu-LAB)
Restoration Diagnosis Service (Sanit-ARTE)
The Restoration Diagnosis Service (Sanit-ARTE) is a material characterization and advisory service we offer from our laboratory on the campus of Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Using advanced analysis techniques and the expertise of chemists and restorers specializing in material characterization, we provide a service for professionals to better understand the materials that compose our heritage.
From Sanit-ARTE, the following activities can be carried out:
Analytical Techniques and Diagnosis: Focusing on a scientific-technical approach to restoration, the use of analytical techniques before, during, and after interventions allows for better understanding of the materiality of the artwork, the alteration processes, and the agents causing them. This also ensures the effectiveness and scope of applied treatments, aiming for the improved preservation of the intervened item.
Treatment Testing: Designing customized treatments specific to the characteristics of each item and its context. Prior testing of treatments on samples optimizes resources and avoids trial-and-error testing on the actual artwork, ensuring maximum compatibility with the object to be restored.
Curative Conservation and Restoration Treatments: The material and immaterial conservation of heritage assets, prioritizing their aesthetic or stylistic values over the purely artisanal, requires analytical techniques throughout the intervention process. This is achieved through a scientific-technical restoration carried out by qualified personnel not only in conservation-restoration but also in analysis and diagnostics.
Preventive Conservation Studies: Factors such as humidity, temperature, lighting, biological elements, and those resulting from use and handling in adverse contexts are major risks. Understanding and controlling the environment in which cultural assets are located ensures their preservation while minimizing the influence of these agents, reducing the need for frequent and more invasive interventions.
Collection Inventory and Cataloging: The lack of knowledge about cultural assets is one of the primary causes of heritage loss. Inventory and cataloging are the first steps in ensuring preservation. This work can be complemented by securing these collections.
Risk Catalogs and Emergency Plans: Assessing the risks and threats faced by cultural heritage allows for the development of emergency plans and resilience models to ensure sustainability.
Heritage Promotion and Dissemination: Activities aimed at promoting the methodologies and techniques employed.
Download our catalog of techniques here.
If you would like more information on techniques and rates, please visit our website at the Office of Research Results Transfer:
Or contact us via email at:
SanitArte laboratory of Pablo de Olavide University in the characterization of the costume of Virgin of the Archicofradía de la Virgen del Rosario de Granada:
Material Characterization Ambulance-Laboratory (Ambu-LAB)
In addition to our Restoration Diagnosis Service (Sanit-ARTE), the Universidad Pablo de Olavide offers Ambu-LAB: a mobile laboratory for material characterization in Environmental, Agricultural, and Historical Heritage fields. This versatile service provides integrated in situ scientific assessment and analysis using various portable equipment and infrastructures.
For more information on techniques and rates, visit our website at the Office of Research Results Transfer:
Or contact us via email at: