Active methodologies and ICT to prevent bullying. Main study background and contributions
bullying, prevention, active methodologies, TICAbstract
Bullying is a widespread problem that has caused great social alarm in recent years because of its serious effects on children. In the educational context it is one of the most common expressions of peer violence along with cyber-bullying. The aim of this research has been to analyse the scientific production about the prevention of school bullying through active methodologies and the use of ICTs in formal educational contexts. This study derives from a research project financed through the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPU18/00676) and is the result of a bibliometric study, in which various current articles have been analysed through the application of different indicators. The results show that scientific productivity on this subject has proliferated in recent years, which gives a glimpse of the relevance given to these issues in the scientific community. Among the conclusions of this work, the advantages of the use of gamification and the use of digital applications such as Kahoot or digital comics, which allow students to simulate experiences that would occur in the real world in order to develop new skills, critical self-reflection and greater awareness of the problem, should be highlighted. In the same way, it is essential that teachers, through the use of these teaching strategies, promote the students' protagonism, their expectations towards learning, as well as the prevention of bullying behaviour among peers.
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Copyright (c) 2022 María Pilar Cáceres Reche, Magdalena Ramos Navas-Parejo, María Jesús Santos Villalba, María Rosario Salazar Ruiz
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