Perceptions on the educational impact of COVID-19: Analysis of a TECNOEDU Webinar
hybrid learning, educational technology, webinar, covid19Abstract
This paper is based on the experience of the knowledge transfer activities of the Mapfre Foundation Chair for Technology and Education, consisting of three webinars where the speakers are education professionals and researchers in the field of Educational Technology. In the public we have had university, Undergraduate and Postgraduate students and education professionals of different educational levels. Among the attendees, a questionnaire has been disseminated to know their impression of the situation experienced during confinement by the COVID-19 pandemic and the prospects that they predict on education in relation to the use of technology. We have performed a quantitative analysis of dichotomous and qualitative variables using an exploratory coding system, at both times, during and after the pandemic. We have also investigated the possible relationships between codes, through a co-occurrence analysis. The main results describe that most people have had sufficient resources to face the abrupt change to online teaching, although it has involved a high emotional effort. Regarding the future post-COVID-19, the people surveyed consider that, after the pandemic is over, greater methodological and didactic flexibility will be advocated both in the offer of itineraries in the subjects and in the offer of academic degrees.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Inmaculada Fernández Esteban, Anabel Bethencourt Aguilar, Sebastián Martín Gómez, Cecilia Becerra-Brito, Manuel Area Moreira

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