An analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model TAM in understanding Faculty’s behavioral intention to use Internet of Things IOT
TAM Model, Self-efficacy, Using the Internet of ThingsAbstract
The study focuses on examining faculty members’ self-efficacy in two departments – Instructional Technology and Computer Science – in using the Internet of Things (IoT) in Saudi universities. To achieve the study’s goal, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to test the effect of self-efficacy in the use of the IoT in education. TAM includes the following variables: Faculty Members’ Self-efficacy (FMSE), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Attitude (AT), and Behavioral Intention to Use IoT (BI). The study consists of quantitative research, and the instrument used was a survey developed to measure faculty members’ self-efficacy. The results showed that faculty members who have more confidence in their technology skills are more likely to view IoT technology as beneficial. Perceived ease of use affected both perceived usefulness and attitude toward adopting the IoT. However, perceived usefulness failed to affect attitude, and attitude does not influence behavioral intention to adopt IoT technology.
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