Detection of teacher training needs in inclusive education.




Fetal alcohol syndrome, educational needs, teachers, training, questionnaire


It is imperative to detect the training needs of education professionals on the educational needs of students with a diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, thus favouring an early detection that allows the correct development of the person and a rights-based education. To this end, the aim is to design a tool to assess the knowledge and attitudes of teachers, professors, and counsellors to determine, if appropriate, training needs. The Delphi method is applied to a sample of seven experts in the field. In the data analysis, the relative interquartile range (RIR) was applied to determine consensus and the variation of the RIR to determine stability between consecutive rounds. In the third round, consensus was obtained for most of the items, retaining those items where RIR<.05. Between the second and third consecutive rounds, panel stability was achieved, with the RIR variation being less than .05 in more than 80% of the items. In conclusion, the questionnaire shows high content validity and incorporates the most relevant items about FASD that should be known in order to detect a possible case of FASD at an early age.


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How to Cite

Felgueras Custodio, N., Díaz Vega, M. ., & Moreno-Rodríguez, R. (2022). Detection of teacher training needs in inclusive education. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (18), 260–277.




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