Researcher Bethany Aram, principal investigator of the ArtEmpire project and member of the PAI-HUM 1000 group, gave the last lecture of the "Madrid Comunera" series in the Spanish capital on Thursday, May 20. Thus, a series of lectures that have been developed since last April under the scientific direction of Francisco Marín Perelló, Ph.D. in modern history, came to an end.
In her speech, Professor Aram reflected on the figure of Queen Juana I of Castile and her connections with the town of Madrid 500 years ago, Tordesillas and Alcalá, contextualizing the link of the queen with these enclaves and with the historical moments of revolution.
The conference is available in full on the channel Memoria de Madrid, where the Mayor of Madrid announces that Queen Juana will have a statue that will occupy a place in the Paseo de los Reyes in the Retiro Park. In this way, the Madrid City Council wants to commemorate the relevance of a monarch crossed, in the words of Professor Aram, by "misogynistic stereotypes".
For further information, you can consult the website of the Madrid consistory..