Differential effects of socio-economic status and family environment of adolescents on their emotional intelligence, academic stress and academic achievement





Socio-economic Status, Family environment, Academic Achievement, Academic Stress, Emotional Intelligence


In this paper the researcher has presented the results of a study conducted to find out whether adolescents belonging to different levels of Socio-economic status and Family Environment differ in their Emotional Intelligence, Academic Stress and Academic Achievement.  The study was conducted on a sample of 858 adolescents studying in various secondary schools of Aligarh district in Uttar Pradesh State, India. Standardized scales were employed for data collection. Multiple Analysis of variance technique (MANOVA) was applied to observe the effect. The homogeneity of the covariance matrices was verified using the Box’s M value. Results revealed that Socio-economic Status (SES) and Family Environment have significant effect on all the said variables. Post hoc analysis (Tukey HSD Test) findings revealed that differences exist with regard to Emotional Intelligence, Academic Stress and Academic Achievement among adolescent groups with different levels of Socioeconomic Status and Family Environment.


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How to Cite

Naushad, R. B. (2022). Differential effects of socio-economic status and family environment of adolescents on their emotional intelligence, academic stress and academic achievement. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (17), 101–120. https://doi.org/10.46661/ijeri.5148


