
Entrepreneurs create a brand sportswear respectful with the environment

Two of its members are students at the University Pablo de Olavide

Pictured, from left to right, the student of the UPO Juan Recio Bello, David Matos Branco and Francisco Marques Duarte and  the student of the UPO Pablo Rodríguez Fernández.
Pictured, from left to right, the student of the UPO Juan Recio Bello, David Matos Branco and Francisco Marques Duarte and the student of the UPO Pablo Rodríguez Fernández.

The Orus company was created by a group of young entrepreneurs, a brand of sportswear “hispano-lusa” respectful with the environment which includes part two students of the University Pablo de Olavide. Juan Jesús Bello Recio, student of Political Science and Administration of the UPO, is one of the founding partners, along with the Portuguese Francisco Alexandre Pereira Marques Duarte, Pedro Manuel Gonçalves and David Matos Branco.

The idea of creating this company was born in the city of Lisbon, the place where Juan Jesús going to the framework of the Erasmus programme. «After several discussions, we realized that the sports brands on the market are, mostly, of American or heavily influenced by this style. This encouraged us to create our own brand based on the values and European culture and at the same time were linked to a spirit of global, alternative and natural style» says this student of the UPO.

And thus arises this clothing brand, linked to extreme sports, but at the same time can be dressed in every day. «It’s feel comfortable, to create a balance between the natural and the urban,» say these young entrepreneurs. In addition, the hallmark of this brand is the respect for the environment, textile production which employs Orus are totally respectful with nature and in the development of its products only uses 100% natural cotton. How explain its creators, «in the manufacturing process, used machinery feeds on wind and solar, which makes that it is not necessary the use of fossil fuels or fusion energy for producing garments. In addition, as for the dyeing and printing of the logo, manufacturing is completely organic, no gas contaminants or not pesticide-producing element is not used.

In addition to the four founding members, the team is composed of two other young: Pablo Rodríguez Fernández, student of Law of the Pablo de Olavide University, responsible in Spain of Orus, and Adrian Vita, responsible in Portugal.

Based in the Portuguese city of Santarém, Orus markets its products through the online sales from their website. Products that have started their sales are t-shirts and sweatshirts, but soon will draw the market new garments and accessories linked to sports such as surfing, skateboarding, bodyboarding and snowboarding. In addition, these young people consider as future challenges gain a foothold in the European market through its presence at various sporting events and enhance their social networks to reach a greater number of buyers.


Artes y Formación 2024/25

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