Etiqueta: DNA

Corina Knipper (CEZA) y Alesssandro Achilli (Pavía) trabajan con restos de individuos de los periodos pre-hispánicos y colonial temprano conservados en el Patronato Panamá Viejo

Advances in genetics shed light on the human history of the Isthmo-Colombian area from the last ten thousand years

Based on the analysis of DNA from present-day and ancient individuals on the Isthmus of Panama, an interdisciplinary research team, led from the Universities of Pavia and Pablo de Olavide (Seville), explains complex pre-Hispanic burials excavated in Panama City and highlights the genomic distinctiveness of the Isthmo-Colombian area. The research has also revealed a previously undescribed ancestry among ancient Indigenous peoples of the Americas, unique to the region and detectable in the ancient pre-Hispanic individuals as well among the self-identified descendants of current Indigenous, African and Hispano-Indigenous groups.

CABD researchers discover why cells break down their nuclear envelop during mitosis

The collaboration between the «Cell Division Control » research group led by Professor Juan Jiménez and the «Architecture and nuclear dynamics» group led by Professor Rafael R. Daga, both researchers at the CABD – a mixed research centre participated by the Pablo de Olavide University, CSIC and the Regional Government of Andalusia – has led to the discovery of an adaptive mechanism that explains why cells break down their nuclear envelop each division cycle.

Artes y Formación 2024/25

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