Etiqueta: students

The UPO heads the academic performance among the public universities from Andalusia with 81.9%

The foundation Fundación CYD (Knowledge and Development, after its Spanish acronym) has recently published the statistical report ‘Las universidades españolas. Una perspectiva autonómica. 2020. Andalucía’ (‘Spanish universities. A regional perspective. 2020. Andalusia’, written in Spanish) in which it offers the main data of its annual report about the Spanish university system divided by regions. The report, which has been written using the data from the SIIU (Integrated System of University Information, after its Spanish acronym), places the Pablo de Olavide University as the only one among the public universities from Andalusia with an academic performance rate over 80% (81.9%) and the one with the lowest dropout rate of first year students (15.2%). The UPO also heads the percentage of traditional age graduates (below 25 years old for the undergraduate studies and below 30 for the master’s and doctorate degrees) with 84.6%, and it is the university with the highest percentage of full time students (84.4%). This data shows that the UPO heads the academic performance among the Andalusian public universities.

Pablo de Olavide University approves the enrolment calendar in degree studies for the 2020/2021 year

The Governing Council of the Pablo de Olavide University has today approved the enrolment deadlines for the next academic year, both for new students and for those who are continuing their undergraduate university studies. The procedure to formalize it will be in general that of auto-registration. The term established for students to continue their studies at the undergraduate level is[Leer más…]

logotipos universidades públicas andaluzas

Statement of the Rectors of Andalusian Public Universities about enlarging the measures taken on Covid-19

After the Government of Spain declared the state of alarm, according to the Spanish Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14th March, and the measures taken by the Andalusian order of 13th March of the Andalusian regional ministry of health and families (Consejería de Salud y Familias), adopting public health preventive measures in Andalusia as a consequence of the health crisis situation[Leer más…]

una clase en el campus de la UPO

Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) keeps its academic offerings for the year 2020/2021

The UPO Governing Council, which is headed by the rector Vicente Guzmán Fluja, has approved this morning the proposal for new university vacancies for the 2020/2021 course. Therefore, there will be 2553 new vacancies in 47 degrees and double degrees for the next course. 40 out of these degrees and double degrees will be given in the UPO campus (2127 vacancies) and 7 out of those ones in the associated university centre San Isidoro de Sevilla (426 vacancies).

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