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Núm. 11 (2022)
Núm. 11 (2022)
Type VI Secretion System: a bacterial killing machine and biocontrol weapon
Patricia Bernal, R. Christopher D. Furniss, Despoina A. I. Mavridou, Alain Filloux Filloux
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Intelligent photo processing to detect food adulterations
Sandra Pradana-López, Ana María Pérez-Calabuig, John C. Cancilla, José S. Torrecilla
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Prevention of infections by antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the population with chronic respiratory disease
Ana I. Rodríguez-Rosado, Astrid Pérez-Gómez, Michael J. McConnell, Juan J Infante
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Comunicaciones orales
Crop improvement through microbial biofertilisers and molecular markers of salt stress
Lucía Jiménez-Ríos, Consolación Álvarez, Fernando P. Molina-Heredia, Vicente Mariscal
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Functional characterization of splicing factor Cwf15 in the maintenance of genomic stability
Emilio González Martín, Juan Jiménez Martínez, Víctor Álvarez Tallada
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Searching for gene markers related to CRISPRCas systems in Klebsiella pneumoniae
Ángel Martín, Antonio Jesús Antonio Jesús
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Degradation biossays of pesticides using pre-selected bacteria from a biobed
Noelia Delgado Pallares, Maria Camacho; Sergio Perez Guerrero; Jose María Barcia-Piedras
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The role of incoherent Nodal signaling feedbacks for anterior fate specifications in mouse embryoids
Gloria Balboa-Carmona, Rosana Cáceres-Gordillo, Jelena Raspopvic, Luciano Marcon
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Genetic study for the potential improvement of spinal muscular atrophy
Lorena Flores Gil, Manuel J. Muñoz Ruiz, Ana M. Brokate Llanos
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Isolation and purification of the siderophore produced by Pseudomonas sp. T17
Paula Delgado Fernández, Sandra Matthijs, Belén Floriano
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New strategies to find chromatin silencers in the pathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis
Clara Salmeron Segura, Blanca Navarrete Ruiz de Clavijo, Jose Ignacio Ibeas, Ramón Ramos Barrales
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Revaluation of tidal wate in synthesis of cationic floculants
Ana Moral Rama, Daniel Cañada Castro
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CaMOF as a drug delivery system for the antitumoral drug mitoxantrone
Daniel Ruiz Alfonso
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Isolation, identification and characterization of natural yeasts for brewing
Eva María Baena Martínez, Cristina Corral Ramos, Jose Ignacio Ibeas Corcelles
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Metabarcoding for pathogens control in soils
Sara Rodríguez Mena, Miguel Camacho Sánchez, María Camacho Martínez-Vara del Rey
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Biological control of fungi that cause wood diseases in almond trees
María Cinta Picos , Ana Hernández , Nieves Capote, María Camacho
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Legumes in biodiversity-based farming systems in Mediterranean basin
Germán Martínez Román, Agustín González-Fontes, Dulce Nombre Rodríguez Navarro
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Validation of the method for determination of water activity in foods
Germán López Toledo, Fernando Andrada Franco, María de la Menta Ballesteros Martín
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Isolation and characterization of emerging pollutant-degrading microbial consortia from WWTPs
Maitane Juárez Mugarza, Inés Canosa Perez-Fragero, Amando Flores Díaz
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Advanced analytical techniques based on chromatography for the detection of organic micropollutants in aquatic environments
Jesús Expósito Torres, Ramón Bouza Deaño, Said Hamad Gómez
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Transcriptional regulation of genes involved in the symbiosis between Nostoc and Oryza
Pablo Vercet-Llopis, Fernando P Molina-Heredia, Vicente Mariscal, Consolación Álvarez
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Determination of Added Sulfites and Total Sulfite in Foods
Victor Correa Pérez, Alejandro Campos , Angel Rabdel Ruiz Salvador, Miguel Ángel Siglez Granado
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Evaluation of the organoleptic quality of virgin olive oils using an electronic olfactory system
María del Valle María del Valle, José María Pedrosa Poyato
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Optical imaging to design convolutional systems to ensure quality and safety food
Irene Beck Díaz, Sandra Pradana-López, Ana M Pérez-Calabuig, Ana M, Ana Moral Rama, José S. Torrecilla Velasco
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ZIF-8 deposited onto TiO2 microcolumns as effective catalyst for CO2 reduction.
Juan Jesús Romero Guerrero, José María Pedrosa Poyato
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Effect of bioestimulant on the antioxidant system of Solanum Lycopersicum.
Mirella, Quero García, Jose Ignacio Ibeas Corcelles, José Ramón Ramón
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Characterize the role of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) in the brain
Aida Estefanía Rosa Benítez, Isabel Espadas Villanueva
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Proceso de elaboracion de vino en Bodegas Jose y Miguel Martin. Fermentación por inversion térmica
Javier Pérez Mairena, Jose Ignacio Ibeas Corcelles, Juan Alberto García González
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Improved analytical method for determination of cholesterol in fish by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection(GC-FID)
Rocío Mangas Ortega, Maria del Mar Gonzalez, Maria de la Menta Ballesteros Martín
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Food preservation and analysis techniques
Iván Gutiérrez Bombín, Inés Canosa Pérez-Fragero, Jonathan Delgado Adaméz
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Analysis of the presence of cell division proteins and its associated processes in two phyla lacking FtsZ, Planctomycetes and Chlamydiae
Fernando Ferrera Gil, Damien Paul Devos, Elena Rivas Marín
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CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome edition in castor plant based on Golden Gate Assembly
Mónica Villoslada Valbuena, Mónica Venegas Calerón, Enrique Martínez-Force, Rafael Garcés, Joaquín Salas Liñán
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Cerebrospinal fluid immunology in patients with late-onset multiple sclerosis (LOMS)
Ángela Muñoz Pedraza, Ioana Hrom, Myriam Adorna Martínez, Ana Belén Hidalgo Céspedes, Rubén Murillo Galán, María José Ríos Moreno, María Isabel García-Sánchez
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Genetic requirements for repair of collapsed replication forks
Antonio María Balconero Martín, Félix Prado Velasco
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Effect of modulation of intracellular hydrogen sulfide production
Sara Estévez Sánchez, María de los Ángeles Cáliz Molina, Alejandro Martín Montalvo
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Newborn screening to the early detection of patients with spinal muscular atrophy and immunodeficiencies
Ana Coello-García, Peter Olbrich, Pilar Blanco-Lobo, Beatriz de Felipe, Olaf Neth
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Neuroprotection strategies towards neonatal stroke
Ángela González Díaz, Marta Reyes Corral, Carmen Del Río Mercado, Javier Tovar Luzón, Marina Romero Bernal, Patricia Ybot Gonz´ález
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Clickable Zr-based MOFs as versatile multifunctional nanoplatforms for biomedical applications
Ana María Visiga Hernández, Carolina Carrillo Carrión, Noureddine Khiar
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Development of a method for mitochondrial network analysis by confocal microscopy in fibroblasts from patients with a DNM1L mutation
Araceli Sama Barroso, María Victori Cascajo Almenara
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Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles of polyphenolic extracts for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease
Irene García Esteban, Manuel Merinero, María Desirée García, Tamara Ortiz, Manuel De-Miguel, Ana Paula Zaderenko Partida
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Study of the influence of PR-01 drug on endometrial functionality
Irene Herrero-Gómez, A Martínez-Lara, E. Durán-González, J. A. Ramírez-Tejero, D. Cotán-Marín
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Precision medicine in ethylmalonic encephalopathy: patient derived fibroblasts for physiopathological research and finding potential therapies
José Manuel Romero Domínguez, José Antonio Sánchez Alcázar
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Repurposing of the tamoxifen metabolites in combination with tigecycline against Gram-negative bacteria
Laura Arbeloa Gómez, Andrea Vila Domínguez, Manuel Enrique Jiménez Mejías, Younes Smani
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In vivo high throughput screening assay to test potential neuroprotective therapies for ischemic stroke
Marina Romero Bernal, Paloma Menéndez Valladares, Ángela González Díaz, Carmen Del Río Mercado, Joan Montaner Villalonga
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Early diagnosis and monitoring of celiac disease in the youth and paediatric population
María Victoria Santos Pírez, Francisco Manuel Martín Bermudo, Ángel Cebolla Ramírez
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Characterization and function of the ssu-1 gene in the hormonal pathway that controls neurodegenerative diseases
Raúl Alba López, M. Mercedes Pérez Jiménez, Manuel Muñoz Ruiz
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Gene expression analysis in hereditary diseases using the tool Automatic and Serial Analysis of CO-expression (ASACO)
Elena María Silva Escalera, Antonio J Pérez Pulido
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