
Universidad Pablo de Olavide – News in English

The ENACH Association is financing a pioneering research line at the UPO to develop personalised therapies

The rector of the Pablo de Olavide University, Vicente Guzmán Fluja, and the president of the ENACH Association (Association of Neurodegenerative Diseases with Brain Iron Accumulation), Antonio López Galán, signed a collaboration agreement this morning to contribute to the development of new alternative treatments to beta-propeller protein-associated neurodegeneration (BPAN), one of the 11 subtypes of a rare disease called NBIA that mostly affects children during their first decade of life.

CABD researchers discover why cells break down their nuclear envelop during mitosis

The collaboration between the «Cell Division Control » research group led by Professor Juan Jiménez and the «Architecture and nuclear dynamics» group led by Professor Rafael R. Daga, both researchers at the CABD – a mixed research centre participated by the Pablo de Olavide University, CSIC and the Regional Government of Andalusia – has led to the discovery of an adaptive mechanism that explains why cells break down their nuclear envelop each division cycle.

Published the first book by GECEM Project

«Global History and New Polycentric Approaches: Europe, Asia And the Americas in a World Network System» (Palgrave, 2018) first book published by GECEM project «Global Encounters between China and Europe: Trade Networks, Consumption and Cultural Exchanges in Macau and Marseille (1680-1840)» led by professor Manuel Pérez García, first researcher (and so far only) based in China who obtained an ERC (European Research Council)-Starting Grant. He is Distinguished Professor at Universidad Pablo de Olavide and tenured associate professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai, China). The UPO is the European Host Institution of GECEM.

Scientists gets that a mouse activates a touchscreen through a cognitive-related neural pattern

Brain-machine interfaces represent a solution for people with physical difficulties to communicate with their physical and social environment. In this work, ‘A cognition-related neural oscillation pattern, generated in the prelimbic cortex, can control operant learning in rats’, researchers have identified a functional brain pattern in prefrontal cortex, associated to cognitive processes, and have used it to activate a screen in a touch device (an iPad’s touchscreen).

Movie edition affects spectators’ eyeblink rate

A recent publication on Scientific Reports, from Nature Publishing, concludes that movie edition affects spectators’ eyeblink rate. According to this investigation, MTV editing style inhibits eyeblinks more than Hollywood style and one-shot style.

The frontier of Granada created patterns of inequality in Andalusia that persisted right through to the present day

The results of the research project show that the prevalence of large estates (latifundia) in modern and contemporaneous Andalusia was the consequence, in part, of the Frontier of Granada. The defense needs derived from the existence of the frontier with the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada gave rise to the concentration of land ownership and political power in the hands of the nobility. This fact constituted the starting point for the high economic and political inequality that has characterized a great bulk of the Andalusian territory since then.

Seville to host 11th SECR Congress on “Violence, Peace and Religion” in May

The City of Seville will host the 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for the Sciences of Religions (SECR), on “Violence, Peace and Religion”, from 19 to 21 May 2016. The Conference is organised by Universidad Pablo de Olavide, the Spanish Association for the Sciences of Religions, the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) and the University Institute of Sciences of Religions at Complutense University of Madrid.

Entrepreneurs create a brand sportswear respectful with the environment

The Orus company was created by a group of young entrepreneurs, a brand of sportswear “hispano-lusa” respectful with the environment which includes part two students of the University Pablo de Olavide. Juan Jesús Bello Recio, student of Political Science and Administration of the UPO, is one of the founding partners, along with the Portuguese Francisco Alexandre Pereira Marques Duarte, Pedro Manuel Gonçalves and David Matos Branco.

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