Teachers training for digital inclusion from school 2.0 plan: case study
Information and communication technology, Training, Teacher, Digital skills, InclusionAbstract
The development of information and communication technologies has supposed a revolution into the society which has gone on marking the progression of the educational life of individuals. Therefore, different public governments have been designing for more than two decades programs and strategies including them to the teaching and learning processes. This circumstance has put in evidence the need of providing the teachers with all educative levels of a training which qualifies them for the inclusion of technologies in their class methodology. In this paper we present the results of a research carried out with teachers related to specific classes in private schools from Córdoba (Spain), due to the fact that one of the greatest problems that the technology development has produced is the so-called digital breach. By means of a transversal, no correlational descriptive study, we have formulated six questions through which we will determine the needs, complexities and views that the teachers of these classes have about their training. The most significant result indicates that even though they have received technology training, they think that this is not enough and that that training is not adapted to the type of students that they can find in their classes.
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